Service List
- Network Services
- Infrastructure Plan
- Maintenance System
- Server Maintenance
- Customer Base & Expertise
- Redient Billable Time
- On Call Service
- Web Development

Network Services
Why are you tolerating small problems with your computer systems?
Any issue affecting IT performance (computer problems, networking issues, etc) costs company money!.
Our Network Services program is designed to proactively seek solutions tailored to fit your company’s needs:
- RTR (Redient Technology Review) determines the current technical usage of your company
- RIP (Redient Infrastructure Plan) implements the best technology for your current business needs.
- RMS (Redient Maintenance System) ensures your technical success for the future.
Your technology should be “linked” with the needs of your business. Redient provides the roadmap that tailors technology to meet your business needs! We are IT for your small business!
As a first step in performing any work with Redient, all customers are encouraged to have Redient perform a comprehensive Technical Review (RTR) of their current computing environment. The RTR is a complete analysis of the client’s computing environment and business needs that may require technology solutions. This information is acquired through hands-on inspection of the environment and fact-finding interviews conducted with users and management within the organization. The goals of the RTR are the following:
- To thoroughly understand the present state of the client’s environment. Areas for investigation include the following:
- Network Architecture
- Server Environment
- Internet Presence (web sites and hosting arrangements)
- Workstation Environment
- Current Trouble Spots
- Application Environment
- Printing Environment
- Security Environment
- Backup/Disaster Recovery Environment
- To identify risk in each case that may be unknown to the client
- To make recommendations for minimizing risk in these areas.
- To identify areas where the environment can be improved or optimized
- To identify areas where the client environment is not compliance with computing industry best practices
- To understand the client’s business, and identify areas where technology will be able to enhanced productivity or assist the company in operating more efficiently
The deliverable from the RTR will be a document. This document will be a detailed technical document including a description of the current environment with corresponding risks, considerations, and recommendations. The key findings and recommendations will be summarized in a table with priorities, approximate cost and work effort assigned where applicable.
At the conclusion of the assessment, the Redient consultants will review the key findings with the client. At this time the client will be able to ask questions about the findings and discuss an acceptable approach to performing the work identified in the analysis.
A RTR typically requires a minimum of 5 hours. This includes time for hands-on investigation, client interviews, documentation, and a review of all of the findings. The exact time required depends on the size and complexity of the environment.
The RTR document will be a resource that the client can give to any outside computer company so that they can fully understand their environment as quickly as possible. In the event that the client engages Redient for further project work or a support services agreement, this document will enable any Redient consultant to become familiar with the environment without having to spend any time onsite.
Infrastructure Plan
Redient’s Network Services group follows a disciplined and proactive methodology when conducting client engagements. The “ADMI” methodology follows this process:
Before work is performed on a client site, it is important to understand its environment. Redient will perform a comprehensive technical review (RTR) of your environment to become acquainted with the current system. This review is a complete analysis of your environment and business needs that required technology solutions. From this assessment, Redient will thoroughly understand the various hardware components and software configurations of your system and how they function together in order to serve the needs of your business.
Redient will identify aspects of your system which can be improved to optimize performance, increase reliability, reduce the risk of downtime, and position you for a quick recovery should a catastrophic event occur. Redient will also identify possible solutions that could improve the way in which you do business.
Once the initial analysis is performed, any project work that you agree to perform will begin. The project work will be carefully designed, documented, and tested to ensure that you understand the process and that the project will go smoothly when the changes are made within you environment.
This is where the rubber meets the road. Redient consultants will perform the project implementation on site with minimal impact to your working environment. We will perform the work at times convenient for you to insure that you don’t lose any productive time for your business. At the conclusion of the implementation, Redient consultants will be on hand to help you and your user’s transition smoothly to the new environment. You will also receive a complete report of the work performed on site and any special information that you need to know about the new configuration.
Once the project is complete, Redient takes a proactive approach to your environment. We will insure that your systems run at their peak efficiency by performing regular check ups on them, applying required services packs and patches, and alerting you to significant events that could signal potential trouble in the future. This service also includes quarterly reviews with the Redient management team to insure that your technology needs are being satisfied and to inform you of technology offerings that could improve the efficiency and productivity of your business.
Maintenance System
Implementation of a maintenance agreement with Redient will guarantee that your users and network are supported and kept as trouble-free as possible. Maintenance agreements are contracts between you and Redient that specify a certain number of hours per month that a Redient consultant will spend maintaining your systems and supporting your users.
User Support
User support consists of addressing user questions or issues resulting from hardware, applications or the network. This activity includes performing corrective actions if necessary. The quantity of hours spent on user support in each visit is variable, depending on the amount of time required to perform the core maintenance activities.
Redient will recommend an initial amount of time deemed suitable for user support in your environment. If the amount of time required to support your users is more or less than this initial recommendation, Redient will confer with you and adjust the maintenance agreement accordingly.
Core Maintenance
Core maintenance consists of preventive maintenance performed on all user workstations as well as the servers in the environment. The following list of activities is included in the core maintenance portion of the maintenance agreement:
Workstation Maintenance
- Verify that workstation operating systems and applications have the correct service packs and hot fixes applied. Perform updates if required.
- Inspect hard drive usage and capacity. Perform scandisk and drive de-fragmentation. Recommend upgrade if required.
- Insure Antivirus definitions are installed and updates correctly. Perform corrective action if required
- Insure user data is being backed up correctly. Perform corrective action if required
- Verify system BIOS and device drivers are updated. Perform updates if available.
- Create / Update system restore information
- Update software/hardware inventory as required.
Server Maintenance
- Verify that operating system and applications have the correct service packs and hot fixes applied. Perform updates if required.
- Inspect hard drive usage and capacity. Perform Scandisk and de-fragmentation. Recommend upgrade if required.
- Insure Antivirus definitions are installed and updated correctly. Perform corrective action if required.
- Inspect license log and insure environment has proper licensing configurations.
- Ensure server data is being backed up correctly. Maintain backup schedule if client performs tape rotation. Perform corrective action if required.
- Verify system BIOS and device drivers are updated. Perform updates if available.
- Create / Update Emergency Repair Disks.
- Inspect Server event logs for any unusual application, system, or security occurrences.
- Monitor Server memory and CPU usage to insure proper performance. Make recommendations as necessary.
- Update software/hardware inventory as required.
Redient recommends the core maintenance activities be performed on a minimum biweekly basis. Current Redient methodologies include time for some corrective actions or user support in each schedule visit. If the Redient consultant discovers a major network, operating systems, hardware, or application issue that will require time beyond that allotted in the maintenance agreement, you will be issue a work order to approve the additional time required to resolve the issue.
As part of the maintenance agreement, you will get a report on the work performed by the Redient consultant. Included in this report will be the status of your workstations and servers as well as user support issues encountered during the scheduled visit. Any recommendations resulting from the scheduled time will also be included in this report.
Additional Project Work
Work that you would like the Redient consultant to perform beyond the scope of the maintenance agreement (such as installing new software on a machine or performing miscellaneous networking activities such as implementing a new hub or router) must be addressed by a separate signed work order or statement of work. This is a Redient requirement necessary to manage both Redient resource utilization and the scope of all projects performed at the client site. Adherence to this policy will result in better service to you and all other Redient clients.
Customer Base & Expertise
A redient network service serves a diverse set of customers in and around the Miami-Dade area including the surrounding Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach areas. Our clients operate in the following industries: Law, medical research, association management, event planning and management, education, construction, real estate, and mortgage banking among others.
Our customers are typically small to medium-size businesses that have one to five servers and under 100 workstations.
Most environments are base on the Microsoft Windows operating system with 2000 and 2003 running on the servers and workstations that run Windows 2000 and XP. However, we also support networks with Novell Netware servers and firewalls running on the Linux operating system. Our largest customer’s systems consist of six servers and 90 workstations. We currently provide full-time IT support for these customers at 40-hours per week.
In addition to thorough knowledge of Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT, XP, 2000 and 2003, Redient consulting staff has expertise in the following back office technology areas:
- LAN and WAN Networking
- Internet Security
- Microsoft Server Technologies (2000, NT4, Exchange, 2003, SQL, IIS)
- Server-based Antivirus solutions
- Data Backup and Recovery solutions
- Citrix and Terminal Services Technology
- Citrix Web Portal Technologies
- DSL, cable, and T1 internet connectivity
We regularly perform projects for our clients as their business and technology needs change. We prefer to act as the CTO for our clients by guiding them to technology solutions that will best suit their needs at a reasonable cost. Redient consultants pride themselves on outstanding customer service. Key components of our service include:
A proactive and visionary approach to your environment, where we recommend implementation of new technologies only when they will benefits your business. Carefully planned and executed project work that is completed on time and within budget. Clear and concise communication with you to keep you informed of all activities, potential risks, key findings, and trouble spots within your environment. Rapid response and resolution time for your user’s issues.Redient Billable Time
- For on-site support, billing begins when a Redient employee leaves the Redient office and ends when the employee arrives back at the Redient office.
- If the Redient employee will visit multiples sites in the same general vicinity, extended travel time (outside of the immediate Miami area) will be evenly divided among the clients. An example of this would be if a consultant visited two clients in Miami on the same day. If there were an hour of travel time incurred going to and returning from Miami, each client would be billed for one half-hour.
- An exception to this is if the consultant’s day begins or ends in Miami. In this case, only the difference in time between the consultant’s home and Miami and the consultant’s home and the Redient office is treated as billable.
- For example, it normally takes a consultant 30 minutes to get to work from home. Instead, the consultant travels to Miami to spend the day on an engagement. The consultant must travel 45 minutes to get to Miami, which results in 15 minutes (45-30) of billable time to the customer (or 30 billable minutes for the round trip).
- Travel expenses such as parking and mileage are included in the billing rate and will not be charged to the customer.
- Redient employees will provide you with a written estimate of the amount of time and materials required to complete a project before its initiation. You must sign the written estimate in order for work to commence. Time expended to perform research relating to your project will be included in the estimate.
- In emergency cases where the quantity of time to resolve the issue is unknown, a minimum time will be specified on the estimate. The Redient resource will endeavor to resolve the issue as quickly as possible to minimize the charges incurred by the client.
- All activities associated with your account or projects are considered billable. This includes all documentation, research, design, testing, and project management activities that are performed on or off site. These activities will be billed in 15-minutes increments.
- Technical support calls (on-call services) that are performed over the phone or via email will be billed for a minimum of 15 minutes, and in 15-minute increments thereafter. These calls will be billed at the client’s standard rate.
- On-call services that required a site visit will be billed for a minimum of 30 minutes.
- Work performed outside of normal business hours (Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm) will be billed at a 10% premium.
- Emergency calls (those which required a four-hour or less response time where the consultant appears on-site) will be billed at a rate of $120/hour.
Please note that these guidelines form the maximum possible charges that could be billed.
On Call Service
Contact Information
For on-call service outside of your normally schedule visits, but within normal business hours (9am to 5pm Monday through Friday), you may contact us at and ask for your primary Wrexol consultant. If they are available, they will assist you over the phone.
If the are unavailable and your issue is not urgent, you may leave a message on their voicemail. The Wrexol consultant will respond to your request via phone or email within 24 hours.
If your request is of an urgent matter, you may request to be put in contact with the Network Services manager who will either assist you in troubleshooting the issue or contact your primary Wrexol consultant to have them respond to you directly. If the Network Service manager must contact your primary consultant, you can expect a return call within one hour.
For off-hour support on weekdays between 6-8am or 5-10pm you may call the Network Services manager directly via email at If you do not get the manager on the phone live but receive voicemail, you can expect a return call within one hour.
Web Development
The development team at Redient continues to produce remarkable websites and strong web presence campaigns. Our design style encompasses striking colors, texture-rich elements, clean edge pixel perfect layout and easy-to-use navigation.The Art of Shaving
The Art of Shaving Dashboard and System reportsSite Plataform: Net Core